Soyinka Lempaa was heard wondering
“Visa ya kwenda ughaibuni inapatikana namna gani? Tugege mna habari yeyote nchi hii inapatikana wapi??”
Apparently, Rais Ruto had said that Kenya was getting ready to send many many of its citizens to Ughaibuni where there’s rampant vacancies and everyone gets a job, you get a job you get a job! A job for everyone.
Sisi kama Rafeekee we don’t know where Ughaibuni is.
However Mungwana James knows best. He explained that Ughaibuni ni mahali popote shoka la Zakayo akilitupa haiwezi kukufikia ndo maana watu wanasafiri huko saa hii kwa wingi mno.
Good luck to all future expatriates.