Highly recommended by Easter Kojwang in the following fashion:
If you’re ever in need of a rider who can run errands in kitengela, Athi river and beyond, consider Paul Mutuku 0721672042/ 0788736111.
He’s a respectable man who I’ve worked with since 2010 or earlier. When I was in primary school back in 2003/2004, he used to own a kiosk not far from the stage leading to Enkasiti primary school. Paul has never let me down even once. If he’s not able to deliver something urgently, he won’t lie to keep you waiting, he’ll just tell it as it is.
When I was a ‘brand’ new mom, single, alone, without a car or househelp, Paul was the person who ran all my errands, did all our shopping, etc. I never left the house to go anywhere besides going for evening walks in the neighbourhood and attending the scheduled clinic days. Paul literally got us!!
See how amejiweka vizuri. Always clean and neat. He’d ferry stuff from the market, only to request for soap and water to clean up before heading out for the next errand.
When you do your work with diligence & integrity, you’re rewarded generously.
I will never stop recommending him.
We fully support this. A diligent worker should be rewarded.