Amakove responds to toxic masculinity following girls trip After disappearing for some time Amakove came back online and asked “Nimeambiwa tuna trend. Lakini Kenyans make me happy. Ni pesa zangu zinasumbua watu…
Tag: Jacob Aliet
How Jacob Aliet summed up the movie of the year 2023
This post is only meant for people with brains and can reason watu wa smart girl’s please skip “Okay, I will comment. First of all, the white boy is…
Jacob Aliet vs Clarice Osore
Jacob Aliet vs Clarice Osore On International Men’s day which was incidentally International Toilet day, lawyer Clarice Osore made a post thanking all the men in her life who have helped her….
Another fight between Amakove and Aliet Jacob
From Amakove I had been invited to be on the panel for Text Book Centre about women and sexuality. I was looking forward to it but we didn’t agree on my rate…
Jacob Aliet goes hard on Amakove Wala
Jacob’s latest rant IS SHE RIGHT? 1. Men are the market when it comes to marriage so when she advises women like this, she should consider: do men want to marry…
The Price of Success by Jacob Aliet, author of Unplugged
THE PRICE OF SUCCESS I normally tell guys who are broke that how do they expect not to be broke when they sleep twelve hours a day? And how do you…