Wycliff Okumu, a Kenyan and U.S citizen, resident of and working in North Carolina, Charlotte who was doing a Cross African Tour started from S.A, driving a white Defender KBX is missing from 12th of March 2024. His location was lastly identified as Segou, Mali. His last WhatsApp message to family was on 9th and hist voice call was on 8th. He was meant to have been back to U.S on 17th.
Please kindly doc I’m requesting your assistance on social media so that we may connect to Malian Social media influencers who may assist through their followers to assist with any information regarding his whereabouts or what might have transpired.
I look forward to your assistance and I feel something positive will come out the social media interventions you may find useful.
Hopeful for a positive response.
Thank you.
Dr Joacquem Ogindo”
Here is his Facebook profile: