This is an opinion written by Gordon Opiyo. He says
Academic papers do not matter as long as the local accreditation body in the AU country gives the greenlight. Raila has a Masters Degree in Mechanical Engineering..this is according to to the Kenya National Qualification Authority. Even if he stoned his maths teacher, James Oremo and took off to Tanzania in Class 6, that is neither here nor there. Just like Sakaja drank for ten years, without stepping into any class but went to a backstreet college in Kampala and was given Degree in a Day and Ugandan Authority for Degree validation approved, and right now he is Governor pigaring sherehe.
As far as Academic qualifications goes, you can’t Stop Raila…
Second, on Political Network…a combination of William Ruto and Raila Odinga is unbeatable.
Ruto right now has goodwill of the United States and Western Nations, and their political influence in Africa is Heavy.
Raila has personal touch with Two of Africa’s biggest economies.. Cyril Ramaphosa and the Nigerian Political elite. In addition, it is Raila that made Allassene Quattara president of Ivory Coast…. having Sadc and ECOWAS is enough headstart..
What I’m I saying… nobody can Stop Raila from being The president of Africa as Chairman of the AUC…
William Ruto does not start a process that he knows he would lose. He always does his calculation long before the process…
And as things stand… Raila Odinga, the grandson of Shiundu Shitawa is going to be president of Africa….
The sooner you accept the reality, the better for you…
Meanwhile several other candidates have stepped forth in the pursuit of the African Union Chairmanship. One such person is Kikwete.
Kenneth Okumu in a response to Gordon Opiyo asked:
Why are so obsessed with this AU thing?Are you aware that H.E. Jakaya Mrusho Kikwete is also a candidate, and has a very good International Profile as compared to Shiundu;Besides,he has good educational background and enjoys massive support from SADCย ?
I hope as a good student of philosophical thoughts, you should by now,be asking yourself why Julius Nyerere’s Statute was unveiled in Adis Ababa at the end of 37 th Ordinary Session of Heads of State and Government.
Are you even aware that of all the 8 East African Countries, perhaps S.Sudan,Rwanda and Burundi may vote in the proposition !
The other person in the running for the chairmanship is former president of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta. Unfortunately for him, current president of Kenya, William Ruto has already endorsed Raila Odinga.
It is going to be an interesting race to watch.