Years ago I listened to Muigai wa Njoroge being interviewed about his rise to fame and success, an interview that fascinated me. He sounded so focused.
In the interview, he fondly spoke about his first wife Njeri, one he married when he was still a hustler. If I remember correctly, he used to sell mtumba. She was then a bar maid, and he casually asked her to marry him, and she agreed. Fairy tale stuff.
They went ahead to live in ‘bliss’ for 9 years. Muigai, with Njeri by his side, made a big name and bigger money. They say you do not know the true character of a man until he has money – Muigai’s true character emerged as a womanizer. Kīumbani. Njeri stayed, for whatever reasons. Then, he apparently asked for her permission to marry a second wife, she said yes, perhaps hoping a second wife would tame his dick.
Although they played a happy ménage à trois in public, away from mics and cameras, first wife was apparently abandoned. That’s her side of the story. Njeri and second wife Stacey continued to demonstrate to us an example of happy three-somes, tagging one another on social media, looking like best friends – oh, how we awed.
It is said that she sought companionship in alcohol but because alcohol doesn’t have a dangler, she eventually found herself a man to sort her emergency body needs. Who would blame her, really? Except Muigai and all those men who think women shouldn’t be having sex if it’s not with them. I hope your wives cheat on you bigly, multiple times with better lovers, if you are like this.
Anyhoo, long story short, Njeri is no longer with Muigai, and he’s not happy. He’s so unhappy he released a diss-song, Nyagacū, targeting Njeri. The lyrics are for bad tears.
Embarrassing. Waana mūtheri. A man shagging anything and everything he could lay his hands on, one who abandoned his wife sexually, is throwing tantrums because his wife cheated on him. Yenyewe these jokes write themselves.
Oh, by the way Muigai wa Njoroge is a born-again Christian.
My third book, COCKTAIL FROM THE SAVANNAH, is a story of the journey of a man who ends up marrying a second wife. Buy and read the ménage à trois of Masikonde, Terian and Sinta.
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