As told by Wanjeri Nderu-Musembi
#AmKenyan Not all victims are prominently covered by the media. Especially if their backstories are not sensational enough to feed the SICK victim blaming narratives pushed online.
Grace Wangari was stabbed to death by her Boyfriend, Clinton Mwangi on Saturday.
This January alone, at least 10 women have been murdered. The likelihood that the numbers may be more because of lack of publicity is high.
The normalisation of the murders of women by our society is increasingly becoming a hindrance to the efforts being put in place to fight Femicide. Too many sick people out there thinking its OK for women to be murdered because they ‘put themselves in danger by meeting strangers online’. Non of them are pointing out that the majority of cases stem from intimate partner violence.
It is especially worrying that the women leaders in this country, and the State at large are doing ZERO to address this issue. Just yesterday Stellah Bosire did a wonderful response on X to one of these women reminding her she DOES have something she can do to amplify and stop these tragedies by simply doing her job!!
You can talk as much s**t as possible about these murdered women, until the women in your life, that you so deeply love, come face to face with the monsters you are shifting blame from!