According to Beavon Omariba
Truth Behind Mulamwah’s new Mercedez Benz.
Beavon Omariba Intelligence Team got susp!c!ous on Mulamwah’s act!vity sharing photos standing next to the Expensive machine.
It raised questions on why he didn’t get an opportunity to sit inside his car and take photos as other new car owners do.
You can acknowledge that last week,after King Lala bought her Luxurious Machine(Range Rover)she sat inside,took photos and shared them on all social media platforms.
One of our Intelligence team members bounced to the ground and this is what he gathered;
√ The car which Mulamwah claims to have bought is not his.
√ The car(Mercedez Benz)belongs to Sleek Trading Limited a company dealing with direct importation of motor vehicles and high end motorcycles.
√ Mulamwah is advert!sing Sleek Trading Limited Company so was given an opportunity to take photos with on sale machines.
√ The photos were taken yesterday afternoon.