From our sources we can now reveal, as posted in Shadegroup
#copied Remember Baba Bread and Awiti?Maneno iliharibika.
Phenny is back online and currently in Germany with her 4 kids(the two black girls and two white ones).
She relocated to Germany 🇩🇪 with Baba Bread in 2020 and left her two girls under the care of her friend for a year awaiting the approval of their visa.
In 2021,the process went through and the girls relocated to Germany to join their mother.
While in Germany,Baba bread started showing his true colours.He registered himself in Afro introductions dating site which Phenny found out about after someone from this group bumped into the guy’s profile and exposed it here.When Phenny confronted him about it,he denied and lied that he had quit the app but couldn’t access it because he’d forgotten the password hence was still getting emails from the said site.
Phenny believed that but other things unfolded.It dawned on her that Mr.Bread had a child with a Cameroonian lady and was paying heavily towards child support yet he had initially said he had no kids .
He had also lied that he was a total orphan but that was not the case.Everything he bought would be put under his brother’s name.
So one day Phenny caught him chatting on Afro with ladies ,planning to meet and confronted him only for the guy to blow up.Called her names and said he was regretting marrying her and bringing the kids abroad.
Things got worse and it got to a point he would abuse the kids both physically and verbally.It got so bad until Phenny had to involve the police.Kumbe the Odiero had been diagnosed with Bipolar disorder.
Things couldn’t work and since coming back to Kenya wasn’t an option,Phenny had to seek refuge in safe house in Germany where she stayed for 2 years.While there you don’t work and you’re not allowed to post pics around the place.
She’s now out and living with her 4 kids.